i drew this guy during the after party for the Monday screening of the Animation Block Party. Couldn't finish cuz i was forced to shmooze.
- dan pinto @ 10:55 PM 0 person(s) heart dan
i wouldnt take that from him if i were you.
on a side not: Animation Block Party rocked. The crowd seemed to enjoy my film and good times were had by all. I probably wont win any prizes because Kelly Jones' film is so much better than mine. My pal Bryan's film will be playing Monday so check that out.
- dan pinto @ 8:00 PM 5 person(s) heart dan
bad news: Ottawa never got my film so i was rejected. kinda pisses me off. oh well, theres always next year.
- dan pinto @ 12:47 AM 0 person(s) heart dan
i had a cool idea of getting a bunch of artists to draw the monster in their closet. When i was young this was probably how my boogieman looked.
- dan pinto @ 6:56 PM 0 person(s) heart dan
My brother Gabe has been talking boxing non stop. so i kinda got them stuck in my head.
- dan pinto @ 7:15 PM 0 person(s) heart dan
word balloons and thought balloons always struck me as odd. they don't really exist and yet they are completely necessary for certain comics.
- dan pinto @ 10:36 PM 0 person(s) heart dan